Jason is always looking for ways to make money or to save a buck but his lastest idea has got me thinking we have finally hit white trash status. He cleaned out our cold storage room the other day and saw some funiture we are no longer using. Thinking the way he does he decided that he would try to sale these pieces. So he listed our old kitchen table on craigs list. The next day he got a call from a young man who just moved into a new place and was looking to funish it. When the guy came to pick it up the wheels in Jason's head started turning. While the guy was loading the table Jason came into the house and was asking me if there was anything else we could try to sale him. He walked around the house talking about all sorts of things and asking how much we should offer the guy to sale it to him. He literally walked the guy through our whole house asking what else he would like to buy. Looking at the picture below... Yes!!!! Jason sold him our dressers. We literally right then and there dumped all of our cloths out and gave him our dessers. Ones that I bought at Walmart almost 5 years ago and put together myself for like $30 bucks each. Jason had repainted them to look better but still not quality. Jason sold them for $50 for both. He is a wheeler dealer. Jason has decided we can wait until the end of summer to buy new ones. So the pictures show how we are improvising... boxes and cloths on the floor.
LOL! That's one of the things that makes Jason, Jason...he's inventive. Miss you guys! Looks like you had fun on your last vaca.
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