December 11, 2009

Hanging lights

Every christmas me and some of my other siblings help my Dad put up his christmas lights. It is a tradition we have done since we were little. Every year we would have so much fun being goofy and trying to get on my dad's nerves. My brother Joel (when he lived in Utah) decided that he was in charge and that he was the big boss man. So every year if somebody wasn't getting the job done Joel would tell them that they were fired. It has become a tradition now. Even though Joel lives in Houston we still call him and ask if we can fire somebody if they are slacking off. I think my sister Christy has been fired the most. Us kids have been making fun of my dad for years because he likes to hang the lights by using duck tape. As you can see in the picture it looks really pretty. One of the things I like to do is try to embarrass my mom and dad. This year I decided to wear a goofy outfit. I found this sweet mickey mouse christmas sweater in my mothers closet and I just had to wear it. If you ever are looking for entertainment around christmas time come to the Jorgensen house while we are putting up the lights.


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