For Jason's birthday we went to the Def Leppord concert. It was one of the worst concerts that I have been to. Jason and I went to their concert two years ago and it was awesome so we were so disappointed when this concert wasn't that good. We actually left the concert a couple of songs early. At least we didn't spend that much. The next month we went to the Aussie Pink Floyd concert. They put on a sweet show. If you haven't had a chance to see them in concert it is well worth it.
Funny story... While we were waiting for Def Leppord to come on after poison we were just sitting on the blanket enjoying the night. This group next to us asked me to take their picture for them. When I was done taking the picture I looked up the hill to see this crack head guy about 70lbs with his shirt off and his arms all bandaged up from drugs in a wheel chair heading down the hill out of control. Jason was lying on the blanket with his eyes closed and he had no idea that this freak was heading straight for him. I hurried and handed the camara back to the group and then I jumped on the blanket to get Jason out of the way. I wish I had a picture of this guy going down the hill out of control. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. The guy ended up ramming into the back of some other guys leg.