October 25, 2008

UEA Break

So, I was looking forward to UEA break to finally have some free time. But, when that free time came I found myself to be rather bored. On Friday I realized that my free time was not as cool as I though it would be. I called my sister Windy up and asked if I could come visit her and her 7 month old baby (Bode). We were trying to come up with something fun to do when Windy thought of the idea to go see the witches at Gardner Village. Since I had never been there before we decided to go. Bode seemed to really enjoy it (especially the pumpkins). We would try to take his picture but all he wanted to do was play drummer on the pumpkins. As you can see from the photo below he really likes to slap those pumpkins. I try to visit my little nephew as much as possible so that I can get my baby fix until Jason and I can finally have one of our own.


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